Every hour site-specific highly accurate weather forecast for your micro locations from iMETOS® weather stations via internet. These forecasts enable you to improve your knowledge and results. iMETOS® ag only needs a valid GPRS contract with sufficient good GSM coverage in the area and a deactivated SIM lock to be operational.iMETOS® ag reports its data to the internet climate data base of Pessl lnstruments at www.fieldclimate.com. Your internet browser and log in password provides online data, reports and graphs observed in your own orchards or fields.
Don't leave your crop unattended - iMETOS® sm will monitor day and night your field data! iMETOS® sm reports its data every two hours to the internet climate data base of Pessl Instruments at www.fieldclimate.com. Your internet browser and your log in password to the site will shift you online to data, reports and graphs observed in your own orchards or fields. On this site there is also reserved an area for you where you can input and change the thresholds, based on phenological progress, and telephone numbers (men on duty) to be used for warnings.With iMETOS® sm all relevant weather data for agriculture are measured permanently and sent to the internet climate data base in a predefined mode. The station works all over the year, for iMETOS® sm is powered by rechargeable batteries and a solar panel. No changing or external charging of batteries is necessary.
iMETOS® ECO is the wireless monitoring station which enables different users to measure soil moisture and salinity continous and very cost-effective.The iMETOS® ECO system consists of a solar powered main unit with a powerful logger and inbuilt GPRS modem. The sensor unit is connected by cable to the logger for highly flexible field mounting.Pessl instruments manufactures highest standards hardware in terms of logging as well as in sensors technology. A wide range of sensors is manu- factured by Pessl Instruments. Others are delivered by reputable OEM suppliers such as Sentek to ensure the best product for your application.
According on the needs, budget, soil type and crop Pessl Instruments offers the best soil moisture monitoring solution based on suction (tensiometer, watermark) or capacitance sensors.