General weather forecasts are a good thing, but they are hardly ever accurate. Even the forecasts of the agricultural offices cover regions that are far too large. However, meanwhile there exists also a system of weather stations that collects the data from much smaller areas. We make use of this system in combination with your own weather station and, thus, can provide a fairly accurate weather forecast for your business. You can view this forecast on the Internet; the Internet-based software is called iMeteo.
What is iMeteo?
iMeteo service offers a variety of products in an easy-to-read tabular or graphical for any place in the world. There are products for agriculture, energy, sport events and other industries. Pessl Instruments through its platform is providing custom data sets for weather-dependent decisions.
Local forecast are calculated for every 3-18 kilometres, which include the effects of local climate, topography and soil cover. Through weather station based adjustments for temperature and wind, forecast precision is increased for the location of the station. iMeteo detail weather forecasts are calculated for 5 days ahead on an hourly basis.
What do I need to run iMeteo?
In order to run iMeteo station-based forecast, an imetos weather station is needed. The observation data is sent via GPRS to the database, and the weather forecast is automatically adjusted to the conditions of the specific imetos weather station. The client registers for the weatherforecast on the webpage and has to enter the longitude, latitude and altitude of his weather station. After that it takes 48 hours that the first forecast can be generated.
What benefits do I get from iMeteo?
This unique service allows you to get specific and accurate weather forecasts for your own business:
* detailed local five-day weather forecast with hourly resolution and a new calculation twice a day
* providing all important forecast parameters such as temperature, absolute precipitation, probability of precipitation, cloudiness, absolute wind, gusts of wind, wind direction, etc.
* easy and simple data access on
* easier work planning
Seamlessly compatible with the existing applications such as disease prediction models, irrigation management, frost alerts, irrigation automation, etc., iMeteo is an integral part of platform. iMeteo facilitates decisions that depend on the weather. The application is particularly important for optimised working procedures in:
* crop protection
* harvest and work planning
* frost protection
* irrigation