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Agri-Therm III™ Infrared Thermometers

The Agri-Therm III™ is the third generation of infrared thermometers for the natural environment manufactured and marketed by Everest Interscience.  This handheld infrared thermometer was designed for making surface temperature measurements outdoors and has triple the accuracy of previous infrared thermometers in the optimum working temperature range of the instrument.

The major advantage of the Agri-Therm III™ is that it allows for an increase in the accuracy of handheld infrared thermometers used outdoors for natural environment applications to be tripled in the temperature range that is of importance to agronomists and growers.  This temperature range is 0-50°C with ±0.25°C accuracy and accuracy of ±0.5°C from -40-0°C and from 50-100°C.  This is an improvement over previous accuracy specifications of ±0.5°C over the entire range of -40-100°C.  This alone improves accuracy.

* Model (6110L) - Without data logger.

* Model (6210L) - Embedded Data Logger (Valitec Data Ready Data Logger; Stores up to 4 Million Records)


Snow-Therm Infrared Temperature Sensor

Everest Interscience offers a SNOW-THERM infrared temperature sensor that is designed solely for the purpose of measuring very low temperatures with extreme accuracy. Measuring the surface temperature of snow banks, sometimes continuously, the SNOW-THERM is used to determne avalanche activity.

The SNOW-THERM has a temperature range of minus 40 degrees C to plus 70 degrees C with accuracy of plus/minus 0.3 degrees C from minus 10 degrees C to plus 10 degrees C and plus/minus 0.5 degrees C over plus 10 degrees C or under minus 10 degrees C.

These non-contact, infrared temperature sensors can be fixed-mounted and run continuously. They are rugged infrared temperature sensor housed in a stainless steel case with a ball and swivel mount. SNOW-THERM units have been used all over the world for the study of snow banks.

Years of continuous design and development by the Design Engineer, Charles E. Everest, of precision low-temperature infrared thermometers and temperature sensors have led to the evolvement of the SNOW-THERM The predecessors of these infrared temperature sensors have been used in the study of natural environmental sciences such as agronomy and plant physiology since the early 1980s. Everest Interscience has won many prestigious awards for this work in the Natural Environment.

Please feel free to contact Everest Interscience if you have any questions straight the instrumentation or for assistance with a possible application.

Infrared Thermometers







Infrared Temperature Sensor